The Classis accomplishes its mission through teams and committees. The committees/teams of the Holland Classis are:
Church Multiplication Team (CMT). This team focuses its energies and resources on providing direction for developing new worshiping communities and new ministries. These new church starts most often arise within existing congregations who seek to reach out to people in the greater Holland area who do not have a church home. The team may also partner with churches in locations other than Holland to resource new church starts in their areas. A passion for seeing new ministries begin, the desire to new churches launched, and new believers grow are desired qualifications for serving on this team.
Planting Church Intern Grant Application
Evangelism/Outreach Grant Application
Church Support and Supervision(CSS). The committee provides support and supervision to the churches in the classis. CSS leads the congregational revitalization efforts of the classis to encourage healthy and vital congregational life and ministry. The committee acts to approve calls and contracts between a church and a pastor; appoints a supervisor and an interim minister when a pastoral vacancy exists in a congregation; and assists churches to address their organizational challenges. An interest in seeing churches be and become healthy and vital, and a concern for church leadership are desired qualifications for serving on this team.
Commissioned Pastor Support & Supervision (CPSS). The committee provides support & supervision for candidates enrolled in the commissioned pastor training program, and for all commissioned pastors in the classis. Commissioned pastors are ordained elders who are commissioned by the classis serve in a pastoral capacity connected with a local church. Training occurs through an individually tailored plan for instruction through mentors and seminar courses approved by the classis in conjunction with the Great Lakes Synod oversight team. An interest and concern for developing pastors and gifted church leaders are desired qualifications for serving on this team.
If you are interested in the Commissioned Pastor route, please use the application found on the “Resources” page under the Commisioned Pastor heading. If you have questions, the classis coordinator would enjoy the opportunity to assist you. Call the Classis office 394-0550.
Minister Support and Supervision (MSS). The committee provides support and supervision to the ordained and commissioned ministers in the classis, The group is called to discern that ministers make responsible use of their education and gifts, witness to the Word in the world, and are loyal to the work and witness of the Reformed Church in America. This committee approves requests for ordinations, receives ministers into the classis, assigns mentors to ministers, forms small group networks for mutual support of ministers, offers pastoral care to ministers and their families, and dismisses ministers to other classes. It also oversees the commissioned pastor program. A concern for ministers is the chief qualification for serving on this team.
Student (Candidate) Support and Supervision (SSS). This committee works with candidates for ministry who are under the care of the classis. Committee members serve as classis liaisons with seminary students and oversee the examination of candidates for ministry. This committee recommends candidates for licensure to ministry when their preparation for ministry is complete. An interest and concern for developing pastors and gifted church leaders are desired qualifications for serving on this team.
Missional Partners (MP). This team assists the classis to collectively address community and world with the gospel as it pertains to all areas of personal and corporate life. The committee is concerned for care for persons in need in the Holland community, and care for creation especially in the Holland area. The committee may represent the classis at various community agencies and programs, and determine Classis benevolences to such causes. It also encourages the diaconal ministries in Classis churches. In addition, Missional Partners encourages, supports and resources the networking of denominations and churches within the greater Holland community. The community represents the classis’ interest and involvement in area-wide Christian events which work cooperatively with other Christian groups. The joy of working with others and a conviction that the church is one are desired qualities for committee members, and an interest in caring ministries, service to the community, and care of creation are helpful passions for service on this team.
Overtures and Judicial Business (OJB). This committee assists the classis in maintaining good order in its governance. The committee presents overtures for the classis’ consideration. The committee examines and presents to the Classis matters of church discipline. It also examines the boards of elder and consistory minutes of the Classis churches. Knowledge of church order and care for the well-being of the church are helpful for committee members.
Stewardship and Finance (SF). This committee prepares an annual budget, and prepares minimum salary guidelines for pastors for the Classis’ consideration. The committee presents to classis requests from consistories for the sale or lease of church properties, and requests for permission to incur indebtedness. The committee also oversees the classis investment policies. Financial knowledge and interest are key qualities for committee members.
Nominations (Nom). This committee recruits and nominates persons to serve on the various committees of the classis. The committee also presents a slate of delegates for the RCA General Synod and the Synod of the Great Lakes. A passion to see people involved with the church’s life and ministry is an important commitment for committee members.
Executive Committee (ExCom). The executive committee is composed of the chairpersons of the various committees and the officers of the Classis. This committee provides coordination and oversight of the Classis ministries. The officers of the classis are the president, vice president, clerk, treasurer and past president.
Confessing members of classis churches and Classis ministers comprise the membership of committees. These are volunteers working together. Most committee team members serve three year terms of service with the option to serve a second three-year term. Members may volunteer to serve on a classis committee by calling the classis office 616-394-0550 or sending a message. Please provide the following information:
- Name
- Church Membership
- Phone
- Email Adress
- Committee Interest
The Classis Coordinator or Chairperson of the Nominations Committee will reply to your inquiry.